Running Man Is New to Netflix and My Sadness Demon Rejoices

Prepare your anus for total penetration by biceps, overacting and the spike-encrusted dong that is Stephen King’s terrible, terrible storytelling. That’s right butt-monkeys, its time to revisit Running Man, now available to stream on Netflix. Running Man was so terrible even at the time of original release that I hadn’t bothered to rent it out…

Cyborg Olympics Announced: My Boner Rejoices

In 2016 there will be a cyborg Olympics. No greater sentence has ever been uttered in the English language. My 12 year old self just got a huge erection and pleasured himself to the gynoid engineer from Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone. From the website: The Cybathlon is a championship for racing pilots with…

F*ck You Religion, You Didn’t Find the Big Bang

My ex is, um, how you say? Crazybananapants. And has parlayed a lifelong ability to deny the truth into a decent sideline as a religious nutbar. Her constant ability to pretend invisible fairies make everything in her world work only ever serves to infuriate me. Hint: it’s not fairies paying your bills, it’s my support…

Should I be Worried About This?

I always loved empty places when I was a kid. Specifically places that were designed for hundreds of people to be but when you caught them at the right time they were empty. Like being on the university campus on a holiday. Or breaking into the underground storage rooms at the local mall on a…