Thanks, Malthus, for Killing my Mars Boner

Assholes are like a nerd’s complaint about why we haven’t gone to Mars yet: everybody’s got one. The trailer for Chris Nolan’s Interstellar is balls-out blatant about it: this planet is shitcanned, you want to save humanity, get your cool-ass spaceship to a new planet. I like a good metaphor for class struggle as much…

Cyborg Olympics Announced: My Boner Rejoices

In 2016 there will be a cyborg Olympics. No greater sentence has ever been uttered in the English language. My 12 year old self just got a huge erection and pleasured himself to the gynoid engineer from Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone. From the website: The Cybathlon is a championship for racing pilots with…

The Future Isn’t Used, It’s Emptied

Recently getting some hits on the internets is the new retro scifi film that got some nerd kerfuffle at SXSW, Space Station 76. The folks at io9 do a decent job running down why but owing to a pre-existing condition of sexual fetishism it’s pretty much predetermined I’ll see this. I have a deep, deep…

F*ck You Religion, You Didn’t Find the Big Bang

My ex is, um, how you say? Crazybananapants. And has parlayed a lifelong ability to deny the truth into a decent sideline as a religious nutbar. Her constant ability to pretend invisible fairies make everything in her world work only ever serves to infuriate me. Hint: it’s not fairies paying your bills, it’s my support…